Late Evening Wetlands Recording at Muncie Lakes Pathway and North Country Scenic Trail Intersection
Podcast Darrin Wassom Podcast Darrin Wassom

Late Evening Wetlands Recording at Muncie Lakes Pathway and North Country Scenic Trail Intersection

The aforementioned intersection of the NCT and the Pathway is my favorite section of the trail. There is a large (ish) wetlands area that I refer to as the ghost swamp because of the hundreds of dead trees that rise like bony fingers from a watery grave. It isn’t foreboding though, because it teems with life and also appears meadow-like with its long grasses and native shrubs circle the perimeter. I visit this area at least once a week and usually bring my dog, Sammie, with me. She loves hiking this section and could be a trail guide because she knows it so well.

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Waves Crashing at Fisherman’s Island State Park in Charlevoix, Michigan
Podcast Darrin Wassom Podcast Darrin Wassom

Waves Crashing at Fisherman’s Island State Park in Charlevoix, Michigan

For the soundscape recording, I selected an area of the shoreline with lots of breaks from submerged rocks to take advantage of the blustery weather. Waves crashing almost creates a white noise effect, which I love. As the water cascaded over the sandbar, I placed the microphone far enough back that I could record it. I recorded for 2 hours and had the entire area to myself. On the day I visited, it was very windy and cool. I can’t imagine a place this amazing is always devoid of crowds.

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