Late Evening Wetlands Recording at Muncie Lakes Pathway and North Country Scenic Trail Intersection

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Northern Michigan suffers an embarrassment of riches with access to natural resources and trail systems. Where I live is no exception. Just a few miles from my house, the prolific North Country Scenic Trail intersects with a local trail called the Muncie Lakes Pathway. I like to call this area a “pick your own adventure” waiting to happen. Used year-round by locals AND visitors, these trails provide ample recreational opportunities such as cross-country skiing, hiking, mountain bikes, etc. There is also a sister trail for Equestrians that intermingles with the pathway.

The North Country Scenic Trail is the longest in the National Trails System, stretching an eye-watering and drool-worthy 4800 miles across eight states. Michigan proudly hosts the most NCT trail miles, accounting for 550 in the lower peninsula and then stretching another 600 miles across the upper peninsula.

Not to be outdone by the NCT, Muncie Lakes Pathway is part of the Pete Marquette State Forest and a local treasure. The pathway is around 12 miles of rolling hills and hardwood forests that bump up against the Boardman River and several small lakes and wetland areas. It is extremely popular for cross-country skiing, mountain biking and hiking. There is a sister trail for Equestrians intermingles with the pathway.

The aforementioned intersection of the NCT and the Pathway is my favorite section of the trail. There is a large (ish) wetlands area that I refer to as the ghost swamp because of the hundreds of dead trees that rise like bony fingers from a watery grave. It isn’t foreboding though, because it teems with life and also appears meadow-like with its long grasses and native shrubs circle the perimeter. I visit this area at least once a week and usually bring my dog, Sammie, with me. She loves hiking this section and could be a trail guide because she knows it so well.

Because of its popularity and proximity to Traverse City, this is a challenging area to record and most attempts have been less than stellar. However, I keep trying and always come away with at least a minute or two of something I hadn’t heard before. This recording comes from an overnight recording session on 6/9/2022. I used the Zoom F6 Field Recorder with the Sonorous Objects SO.1 microphone pair setup in a “tree hugger” configuration. In between the seemingly endless planes and big block truck engines, I got a pleasing section. Fair warning: there is some light traffic in a couple of sections, but I don’t think it detracts from the overall soundscape.

Date & Time: | 6/9/2022 | 10:15 PM
Location: | Traverse City, Michigan USA
Park Name: | Muncie Lakes Pathway and North Country Scenic Trail
Conditions: | Cool, Windy, Overcast
Recording Device: | Zoom F6 Field Recorder
Microphone: | Sonorous Objects SO.1
Digital Audio Workstation: | Adobe Audition


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