Project FeederWatch Starts Today!
Now, onto some exciting news: Today marks the beginning of Project FeederWatch for the 2023-2024 season! If you're unfamiliar with this initiative, it's a North American bird survey that runs from November to April. What makes it special is its flexibility and inclusivity, allowing anyone with a passion for birds to contribute to significant scientific research. Here's what you need to know:

Moody Morning at the Beach
Subtlety and solitude were the theme of the early dawn as I drove towards the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore this morning. The morning sky was replaced by dark, brooding clouds as dawn broke and the crash and retreat of water against the sandy shoreline echoed a symphony that only nature could compose... a soothing rhythm that breathed sustenance into this muted morning.

Spring Peepers in Concert: Return to Boekeloo Lodge
Returning to the idyllic Boekeloo Lodge at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore for the second week, it was as though I had stepped into a Thoreauvian (is that a word?) dream. Set amidst a picturesque landscape that Mother Nature herself would be proud of, the lodge and its surroundings evoked a sense of peace and tranquility, only amplified by the resounding chorus of spring peepers that punctuated the evening air.

Sounds of Sleeping Bear Dunes: High Noon at the Boekeloo Lodge
The Boekeloo family made an unexpected discovery in 1945 when they found an old cabin that had been neglected and had deteriorated for the past 10 years. They saw its potential and restored it with love and care. The result was a delightful wilderness getaway, where the family enjoyed many peaceful retreats surrounded by the tranquility of the woods and the grandeur of the dunes. But this hidden gem had an unexpected future.