Nature is my Jam

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Valley of the Giants at Dawn

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World Listening Day found me logging miles on the North Country Scenic Trail (NCT) on my way to the aptly named, “Valley of the Giants”. This section of the trail will take you down a semi-steep descent into a valley of old growth forest that features a meandering creek and several beaver ponds. While a popular hike for locals, it isn’t uncommon to be the only one around for miles. The Grand Traverse Hiking Club maintains the Valley of the Giants section of the NCT. This club is also responsible for the trail system (101 miles) running from Hodenpyl Dam to Starvation Lake.

We join this recording as dawn approaches. Twentytwo Creek is flowing and cascading through downed Cedar Trees and thick grasses. The soothing sounds of the creek are interrupted by what I think is a Scarlet Tanager as daylight breaks. Not to be outdone by the early bird, a Winter Wren steals the show with its spirited song that lasts for several minutes. Of course, it wouldn’t be Northern Michigan without also hearing from the Robin’s and Blue Jay’s.

I recorded this soundscape using the Zoom F3 Field Recorder and the Sonorous Objects SO.1 Microphone pair. This combination has become my favorite rig for hiking and overnight recording.